Saturday, November 29, 2008


When I went to my latex garden, I looked very much mosquito. That day was holy day. And all of my workers were free. No body works that day. I went there just to accompany my children to find the shed of that plant. My children said that every their friends like it. They could use the shed become a game. The game is like this. We need to boys to play this game. In one game, every boy use a shed of latex. They will show his own shed. One of shed will be put on the ground. And another will be put on shed that we have put on the ground before. Absolutely it will be slide. But we can hold the shed by our fingers. And when the two shed in that position, we can fight them with our fist. We fight as strong as the sheets will be broken. And after, we will know who is the winner. If the both of them are broken, so the game is neck and neck, if its still good or not broken, we can try to fight again. If our sheet is broken, so we are loose. It is the way of
game. As in this life. There are always win and loose. So the event in this game in very interesting to compare with this life.
Now we back to my story about my journey to my garden. When I found many mosquito in my garden, I just thought a lot about the daily of my workers. They would live in this garden for their life. They earned money here for life. Among a stillness and among the mosquito. As we know, everybody has a chance to choose his life. I remember when I was in secondary. One of my friend wanted to become a doctor. The others wanted to be a musician, a merchant, a teacher, a military, and many other jobs. But we have to know, sometimes there is some hindrance. Such as ability, money, a support from parents and many things. So in this case, we have to know, who am I. But many man knew who was him. Such as one of the worker in my garden. He knows a lot about him. I have asked him. He said that his parents have gone forever when he was a child. He said that his knowledge is not enough to fight this life. His educating only until he was 10 years old.
He told me that since he was adult he had been a driver of pedicab. He works everyday. He earn money in long days. When he gets money, he wouldn't save it. They never thought that it is very important for his future. He just thought that the money would able to make him happy. He would buy whatever he want He will buy whatever he like. If he finished his profit for today, it will be okay. The main thing was satisfy. It was his life for years.
When he has get marry, he got 6 children. They life under the standard of live. They was very poor.
One day, his wife get ill. There was a big case in his life. His money was not enough to cure her. At the end, his wife dead cause this illness. And his life become more difficult cause this situation.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to Print Photo (Indonesian Language)

Cara Mencetak Photo.
Di sini saya terangkan cara mencetak photo.Buka dulu my computer. Lalu diklik folder.
Lalu dipilhk mem ashartanjung. Yang terpampang walpaper dll. Lalu diklik walpaper. Akan Muncul banyak kotak gambar. Lalu Pilih kotak sebagai contoh artis Indonesia. Lalu muncul gugusan gambar artis seperti Fhoney. Lalu gambar pilihan ditunjuk dan klik kanan, muncul pìlihan open dan copy. Lalu diklik copy. Setelah itu lalu papan pajangan diclose atau tanda kali di kanan atas. Computer yang nampak hanya walpaper. Lalu dipilih album printing (klik 2 kali). Album printing nampak di windows lengkap
dengan tulisannya. Muncul layar putih dengan tulisan no image have been loaded. Lalu klik edit (ada tulisan kecil di bagian atas) lalu pilih paste. Setelah proses akan muncul gambar yang dicopy tadi. Kemudian gambar diklik satu kali. Kemudian kalau diklik prints maka akan muncul jenis jenis ukuran photo. Seperti contoh 105 x 136mm: seperti ukuran photo biasa. Kalau 6 x 8cm maka akan menjadi dua gambarnya dgn ukuran setengah setengah. Bisa diklik untuk dilihat lebih dulu. Kalau ukuran 7 x 10 cm: photonya pas 10 cm x 7 cm. Kalau 9 x 13 cm, sama dgn photo dgn ukuran 9 x 13 diukur dengan rol penggaris. Untuk memeriksanya, diklik ukuran photonya lalu tekan ok. Kalau ditekan ok, belum muncul gambarnya, maka tekan yes. cetak photo. Maka kalau diperiksa ke bawah, akan nampak berbagai macam ukuran fhoto. Jika diklik print, ukuran gambar biasa tidak nampak maka cari dengan mengklik album. Untuk memilik memilih gambar, maka diklik gambar terpilih. Setelah gambar terarsir maka diklik ok. Maka akan muncul gambar. Bila gambar nampak tidak berbingkai, maka hasilnya juga tidak berbingkai. Walaupun lebar kertasnya diganti. Jalan keluarnya cari bentuk ukuran di album. (Ada tulisan album di bagìan atas). Lalu kita pilih jenis ukuran gambar. Tekan ok untuk memeriksa. Apabila hasil tidak sama dengan pilihan, maka gambar ditunjuk lalu diklik kanan. Datang tulisan rotate clocwise. Lalu coba pilih rotate clockwise. Apabila hasil gambar sudah cocok walaupun hadap samping, lalu sudah memadai. Apabila cerahnya kurang maka klik kiri 2 kali pada gambar. Maka akan muncul gambar degan posisi yang bagus. Lalu tekan exposure, maka muncul tiga batang pengatur warna. Yang bisa kita geser-geser dengan warna yang sesuai. Apabila warna sudah cocok, maka tekanlah accept. Gambar muncul kembali dengan posisi semula dan warna yang diinginkan. Lalu pilih print (ada dibagian atas layar). Muncul kotak print. Lalu klik tanda segitiga di kotak name. Muncul pilihan, lalu pilih Epson(merk mesin pencetak). Tulisan Epson masuk ke dalam kotak. Kemudian pilih properties. Lalu muncul layar Epson. Lalu diklik best photo. Muncul tulisan for even dst cetak photo. Lalu pilih segi tiga di kotak type. Muncul pilihan lalu pilih Epson ultra glossy, sehingga muncul di kotak. Lalu pilih segi tiga di kotak size. Muncul pilihan lalu pilih A6 105 x 148mm. Sehingga muncul di kotak. Lalu tekan ok. Muncul kotak print. Pastikan mesin pencetak sudah terrambung ke listrik. Lampu hijau menyala. Dan kertas sudah terpasang. Lalu tekan on di layar print. Lalu pencetak akan berproses sendiri. Bila anda ingin pula belajar mengenai memasukkan Lagu atau dari Computer ke Hp, maka klik di sini

Friday, November 21, 2008


I feel plesuary since I hear the announcement about election in America. Barack Husein Obama has became a winner. He is a president of America now. I feel plesuary cause he ever life in Indonesia, and i am an Indonesian. He ever becomes an Indonesian, although just about 4 years. I believe that he feel long for this country. He loves Indonesia. He still understand Indonesia. I remember when America embargoed this country from import some weapon. Maybe cause the president of America at that time didn't like Indonesia. But now, the president of America is some one who feel long for this country. Barack Obama would not do like that. I like if the cooperation of a both of countries will grow up. Including about export, import, science, financial, trade, an many sections. Barack Obama is the first president from Negro in America. As barack ever says. The change has came to America. No red anymore, no blue. Everything are the same. Barack change has changed the all. He wants to build America. He wants to lead the word. Not like George Bush. Bush wanted to attack Saddam Husein in Iraqi, wants to attack Moslem in Afganistan, wants to plead Israel every times. I hope barack will not like this. I believe Barack Obama loves the peace, loves the difference, loves every good way. Same with my president now, Susilo Bambang Yudoyono. Hope they will able to help each other. I just able to write. Difficult to help, cause I am not a politician. Thank you

Knowledge About Link (Indonesian Language)

Tahukah anda apa maksudnya UNIT LINK? Unit link yaitu iklan teks yang ditawarkan pada penayang Adsense. Unit link menampilkan daftar topik yang berhubungan dengan halamanmu secara algoritme penargetan Kontekstual yang sama, buat menargetkan iklan Google ke halaman konten. Kapan saja diklik, maka halaman akan berganti ke pengguna halaman iklan tersebut. Hasilnya yaitu iklan yang dituju dengan tepat. kemudian ada pula yang namanya iklan. Contoh ukuran iklan: 725 x 90 adalah selebar 0,3 cm x 2 cm (terbaring). Kemudian 468 x 60: Selebar 0,4 cm x 1,3 cm (terbaring). Kemudian 160 x 600: 0,7 cm x 4 cm (berdiri). Cara menambah unit link pada halaman. Kembali saya menerangkan mengenai link. Pengguna Adsense dapat menambah hingga 3 unit link ke halaman konten anda yang sesuai KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM Google. Menambah unit link adalah semudah menyisipkan Gugusan code ke sumber halaman. Lalu segera ikuti petunjuk untuk menampilkan format iklan teks baru di situsmu. Masuklah ke account adsensemu di Kemudian pilih Konfigurasi Adsense, lalu pilih Adsense for content sebagai product. Lalu pilih daftar drop-down format, pilih format unit link, kemudian pilih tombol radio buat menampilkan 4 maupun 5 link per unit. Pilih palet Warna, lalu tetapkan saluran, kemudian bila mau, ganti iklan dengan unit iklanmu. Salin dan sisipkan code iklan dari kotak CODE ADSENSE ANDA ke sumber halaman webmu. pastikan salinan code secara Menyeluruh, dan anda menyisipkannya ke badan sumber. Setelah anda memperbarui halaman, unit link akan ditampilkan google. Jika belum di-crawl halaman anda, mungkin google akan menampilkan iklan Pengganti atau kotak pencarian. LIHAT IKLAN TENTANG dalam unit link. Kutuliskan serangkaian pengajaran ini, agar saya dapat membantu pembaca. semoga anda berhasil. Trims