Sunday, October 11, 2009


A few days before earth quake in Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia, there was a big accident that occured in Samoa. It was at 4 th October 2009. Earthquake have shaked Samoa about 8,1 scala richter. It had invited tsunami and killed about 176 victims. Everybody feels sorry to watch this news. Tsunami has flood Samoa at Tuesday about two weeks ago. This earth quake has broke Samoa and killed many man, woman and children. Tsunami has swept many people. May this accident will not happen again. May everybody will live peaceful in this this country and around the world.
Samoa is not so far from Australia, and not so far from New Zeland. It is around Facific Ocean.
I am as a writer, never hear the name of this country. I never know Samoa before, I never heard Samoa in the news of television. The first time I heard the name of Samoa is in this week. When unkind day fight them. When earthquake shakes them and tsunami swept them and killed many people. My tsunami will not come tomorrow again. God bless you the all. Salam for Samoa citizen.

Friday, October 9, 2009


So many users of Internet don't know how to write in Internet. And so many user have be a writer in it. I will teach you how to make a page in Internet for teaching to write. When you have had that one, you can write whenever you like. You will know how to display your article in Internet, you may type your story, your knowledge. Yeah, it will be very nice exeprience to have a writing In Internet.
There are many kind of pages that you can write in Internet. Such as blogsome, website, wordpress, blogspot, blogcom, and many others. But in this blog, I will teach you to make a blog in wordpress. When you have it, you will able to write, you will able to put your photo, and many ads that will give you income.
The first step to be a writer, you should have an email. If you don't have it, please study about email first. Just type HOW TO MAKE EMAIL in search engine, Internet will teach you to make it. When you have had an email, you may follow my explanation. May you will understand how to create a blog and you will able to write whatever you want by this page.
The first step, please type WORDPRESS.COM in your search engine and choose search. The Internet will load and display many choices for you.
Please click WORDPRESS.COM GET A FREE BLOG. After you clicked it, you will see a large page of In this page, you will see the text, LEARN MORE or SIGN UP. Please choose sign up. You will see a new page that lead you to get your own account in second. At the below you can see an empty bar. Please complete that empty box/bar. Username, please write your name. Please type the password that you want. Confirm your password by type the same password once again. Type your email in the box of email address. Click the check list in the box of I have read and agree. Then choose the NEXT bar. After you click it, the new page will be appear. It will show your Domain Name. It is means your url address. It will show your blog title, and about language that you need. If all of them had been agree by you, Please click SIGN UP. You have been successful to create a blog. Your address blog is.
So, how to put my story and my knowledge in my blog? Ou. Only a few steps. Please open your email. Open inbox and please activate your blog by the email that you have read. Then choose SIGN IN, and please follow the easy step to write. May you will understand my explanation. Good luck

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Custom Search

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Sinar lilin di bulan Ramadhan

Lilin lilin kecil di bulan Ramadhan. Kenapa banyak orang Muslim menghidupkan nyala lilin pada bulan Ramadhan? Kenapa pula menyalakan lilin pada malam ke 27 bulan Ramadhan.
Sebenarnya, sepanjang pengetahuan saya, tidak ada suruhan atau ajaran agama Islam yang menyuruh pemeluknya agar menyalakan lilin lilin kecil ini. Kebiasaan ini muncul karena adanya ajaran tentang malam Lailatul Qadar pada bulan puasa. Malam yang terkenal dengan nama malam seribu bulan. Artinya, beribadat pada malam Lailatul Qadar, samalah nilainya dengan beribadat selama seribu bulan lamanya. Malam Lailatul Qadar ini akan terjadi pada malam ke 21, 23, 25, 27, 29. Maksudnya pada malam malam terakhir dan pada malam bilangan ganjil di bulan Ramadhan atau bulan puasa. Begitulah menurut nabi Muhammad Saw. Tapi kata nabi Muhammad pada suatu riwayat dalam satu hadith, malam Lailatul Qadar itu lebih sering datang pada malam ke 27 Ramadhan. Bila malam ini tiba, maka apapun yang akan dipinta pada Tuhan, dia selalu mengabulkannya jika memanjatkan do'a pada malam ini. Pada moment ini, semua makluk akan sujud pada yang kuasa. Seperti halnya semua tumbuh tumbuhan yang ada di muka bumi ini. Lalu karena membahas tentang sujudnya semua makhluk di bumi, inilah latar belakang mulainya kebiasaan menyalakan lilin di bulan Ramadhan. Seolah olah semua ummat ingin menyambut datangnya malam Lailatul Qadar ini. Seolah olah datangnya malam itu harus disinari dengan cahaya agar bisa disaksikan oleh mata.
Pada zaman dahulu, masyarakat Mandailing selalu menyalakan obor sebelum adanya lilin. Tapi setelah adanya produksi lilin, maka kebiasaan menyalakan oborpun berganti menjadi menyalakan lilin hingga sekarang.
Begitulah kira kira cerita asal muasal kebiasaan menyalakan lilin pada malam ke 27 bulan puasa ini.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mendaftar Gratis, Mengklik mendapat uang

Bila sudah pandai membuka Internet, ada baiknya jika anda mencoba mencari income uang dari Internet untuk anda. Caranya amat mudah. Buat cari pengalaman, buat coba coba, tak ada salahnya jika anda memulainya dengan mengklik iklan vinefire di bawah. Untuk daftar anda tidak dikenakan biaya. Untuk mendapatkan gaji yang selalu terpampang di layar Internet juga gratis alias tidak membayar. Tugas anda tidak banyak. Anda cuma disuruh bikin artikel, berarti anda sudah punya peluang mendapat gaji. Tuliskan cerita anda, tuliskan apa saja yang diminati orang untuk dibaca. Lalu copy dan paste iklan vinefire ke halaman tulisan anda. Berarti anda sudah termasuk orang yang mencari uang masukan di Internet. Bila anda sudah terdaftar, maka anda akan mendapat dollar setiap mengklik iklan. Tapi tentu ada batasnya seberapa banyak klikan yang boleh kita lakukan setiap hari. Bila anda ingin mengetahui lebih jauh, daftarkan saja email anda pada kolom yang akan muncul setelah mengklik iklan saya dibawah. Lalu anda akan bisa mengetahui secara detail, mengapa anda digaji di Internet? Bagaimana agar punya banyak income di Internet, bagaimana bisa memperoleh uangnya? Bagaimana caranya agar Internet bersedia menggaji kinerja kita? Semua jawaban akan anda peroleh dengan mengklik iklan saya. Silakan coba daftarkan email anda, mumpung sekarang masih gratis...alias tanpa uang daftar...!
Join Vinefire!

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi halaman saya:
Profil penulis
Bursa Buku Haji
Disini ada Dollar
Click here to get money
Kajian agama

Thank you

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Nyali Keindonesiaanku mendidih saat terdengar ada lagi ketidak sesuaian negaraku Indonesia dengan negara jiran Malaysia. Saya adalah Indonesian. Dilahirkan dan besar di Indonesia. Tentu tak senang jika negaraku dicaci. Tentu tak suka bila lagu kebangsaanku dilecehkan sebagaimana disiarkan di Metrotv pada 28 dan 29 Agustus 2009. Banyak permasalahan yang kudengar. Tentang lagu Indonesia Raya yang diubah ubah, tentang pulau Ambalat yang terus diintai, tentang tarian Pendet yang terdengar dicaplok, tentang teroris Dr Azhari dan Nurdin M Top dan yang lainnya. Kenapa harus saling menghina antara negara bertetangga. Bukankah setiap mulut juga pandai menghina siapa saja. Tapi apa gunanya? Negara kami ada sebab Rahmat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan atas jerih payah pahlawan dan nenek kami dahulu. Negara yang telah kami bayar dengan darah dan nyawa. Mohon jangan menghina negara kami.
Dulu ketika saya di luar negeri, selalu bergetar jantungku bila memandang bendera merah putihku bisa dikibarkan. Tentu begitu jugalah saat ini. Kalau kulihat teman senegaraku di luar negeri, rasanya mereka saudara kandungku. Kalau ketemu dengan seorang bangsa Malaysia, kuanggap mereka temanku atau tetanggaku. Mungkin itu disebabkan orang Indonesia masih serumpun dengan Malaysia. Tapi mengapa ada ketegangan seperti terjadi belakangan ini. Semoga tidak ada lagi yang anggap remeh pada negara NKRI kami. Sebab kedaulatan negara kami adalah harga mati. Yang telah kami bayar dengan nyawa, dengan semboyan 'MERDEKA ATAU MATI'

Bila anda ingin memperoleh uang dari intrenet Klik disini

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Thank you

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009


Let's talk about ikhlas (sincerity) in Islam religion.

Ways to obtain ikhlas:
A. Do righteous deed.
The more good deeds we do and hence closer to Allah, the more sincere we well be.
B. Before we do any deed, we should firstly seek knowledge.
Our action should be guide by knowledge so that we do them in accordence to the syariah in Islam.
C. Do not give false impressions.
Do not make other believe that an action me did was good when it was not.
D. Al Imam Ahmad said: Before you do anything, check your intention, ask yourself before performing an action: 'It is for the sake of Allah?'

And now I write that there are four things that contradict ikhlas (sincerity):
A. Ma'siat
Committing sin, this will weaken our ikhlas.
B. Shirk
Associating other with Allah.
C. Riya
Performing an ibadah with the intention of showing off to other.
D. Nifaq
It is hypocrisy.
May my blog will importan for reader, importan for whoever wants to know Islam more detail.

By writer of Hajji Book:
40 Hari Di Tanah Suci
Thank you

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Why do I choose Islam as my religion?
Because many reasons. Many reasons. I write on my page, I believe Islam because Islam is more logically than the other religion.
I choose Islam because I never understand about the God of Christian and the God of the other religion.
I choose Islam because the Book of Islam is more guingine than the Book of Christian and the else religion.
Gospel has many versions. We don't know which one is the true. A writer of Gospel wrote another Gospel because he doesn't believe the old Gospel. So it makes Gospel consist of many versions and many writer. So it makes me never believe Christ religion.
How about God? It is more complicated. I choose Islam cause it is more logically.
I write one verse Koran or Al Qur'an on this page. Maybe you will want to know Islam so much.
Surah 2. Al Baqarah (The Cow). Part 1.
The contain of that verse is:
This is the Book (the Qur'àn), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al Muttahun (the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deed which He has forbidden) and love Allàh much (perform al kinds of good deeds which He has ordained).
When somebody ask you about the contain of surah 2 of Al Baqarah, here I have writted as addition knowledge for you.
No fear, no doubt, it makes me choose Islam.
Thank you very much for your visit.

By writer of Hajji Book:
40 Hari Di Tanah Suci
Thank you


Blog ini menceritakan route perjalanan saya dari Panyabungan Mandailing Natal menuju Jakarta DKI Jakarta. Saya berangkat dari Panyabungan pada jam 4 sore pada hari kamis 30 Juli 2009 dengan menaiki bus angkutan umum antar propinsi dengan merk transportasi ALS (Antar Lintas Sumatera).
Kemudian pada pukul 5 dini hari pada tanggal 31 juli 2009, kami telah tiba di Muara Bungo. Kab Merangin Bangko. Lalu tiba tiba bus ALS yang saya tumpangi kempes bannya pada pukul 8 pagi. Di hutan tandus itu juga, helper bus yang saya tumpangi segera mengganti bannya dengan ban serap. Hutan tandus tandus terus saja kami telusuri sesudahnya. Tak lama kemudian, kami sampai ke daerah Libur tembesi, kemudian ke Tanjung Saro Langun, lalu terus desa Pulau Lintang, Palawan Singkut, hingga terus ke Singkut. Disinilah kami menambal ban beberapa jam lamanya hingga kami berangkat lagi meneruskan perjalanan beberapa menit sebelum waktu sholat Jum'at tiba.
Pada jam 1.10 siang, sampailah kami Lubuk Linggau, Muara Kati. Kemudian pada jam 3.13 tiba di kota Tebing Tinggi, lalu ke daerah Empat Lawang, Lahat, Kikim Tengah, Tanjung Aur, Desa Bunga Mas, Kota Lahat.
Lalu pada jam 5.20 sore kami sampai ke Merapi Kikim, terus Muara Enim kami lalui pada pukul 6.30 malam. Kemudian teruskan perjalanan hingga kami tiba di Bandar Lampung 6.40 pagi. Lalu pada 8.33 pagi mendarat setelah menyeberangi selat Sunda dengan menaiki sebuah ferry route Bangkauni Merak. Sesampainya di Merak, kami sudah berada di Pulau Jawa. Tak lama lagi akan tiba di Jakarta ibu kota RI.

By writer of Hajji Book:
40 Hari Di Tanah Suci
Thank you

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Telah hadir vinefire, satu cara baru untuk menghasilkan uang dari internet. Bila anda anda ingin memperoleh uang dari internet, klik iklan di bawah ini
Join Vinefire!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Ada apa dengan bom di HOTEL JW MARRIOT dan RITZ CARLTON. Beberapa hari sesudah terjadinya pemboman kedua hotel itu, keraguan sudah semakin tertuju pada seorang bekas guru Bahasa Arab, guru computer dan guru silat. Seseorang yang dicurigai sebagai penganut aliran keras dan pernah tinggal di Majalengka. Kenapa ada manusia yang bisa berpikiran seperti itu. Padahal dalam ajaran agama Islam, penganutnya tidak pernah disuruh untuk membunuh orang tak bersalah. Tidak pernah disuruh membom orang yang manapun. Nabi Muhammad pernah mengatakan:
Orang Islam adalah orang yang tidak mengganggu orang Islam.
Orang yang percaya pada Islam (Iman) orang yang tidak mengganggu semua ummat manusia.
Jadi kenapa ada yang menjadi pembom hotel seperti terjadi di Mega Kuningan, Bali dan tempat tempat yang lainnya. Saya tidak habis pikir kenapa ada yang memamakan dirinya jamaah Islamiah dan sering membuat teror. Saya juga seorang Moslem, tapi saya tahu ada ajaran yang berbunyi: Bagi kamu agama kamu, bagi kami agama kami. Lalu kenapa dalam hidup ini kita harus saling membunuh? Kenapa pula membawa embel embel agama? Saya hanya ingin kelurusan agama bisa tercapai. Islam itu agama yang mencintai dan menghormati sesama.
Paman Nabi Muhammad juga seorang anti Islam, tapi Muhammad tidak pernah menerornya. Tidak pernah berencana membunuhnya. Lalu kenapa ada dugaan seperti saya lihat di televisi bahwa pelaku bom itu adalah bekas guru agama yang direkrut menjadi anggota jaringan Jamaah Islamiah. Padahal Islam itu sangat damai, sangat menghormati dan tidak pernah disuruh membuat teror. Islam itu ajaran yang sangat lurus dan damai. Dan para korban bom itu bukanlah anti Islam. Mereka hanya non muslim yang sedang melancong.
By writer of Hajji Book:
40 Hari Di Tanah Suci
Thank you

Monday, June 29, 2009


Not only citizen of America feel sad to hear about Michael Jackson. But maybe around the world. Including in my country Indonesia. At the first time I heard that Michael Jackson has dead from TVONE, one of the channel Television in Indonesia. But today every news in tv in my country always talk about MICHAEL JACKSON or Jacko. Many people in my country feel sad because he has passed away. He was Moslem musicus. He is my brother in religion. He is my favorite singer or artis. I remember when I Knew Jacko at the first time whe he sang 'MY SUMMER LOVE'
He is really my favorite singer.
May ALLAH will received you in his paradise. Bye bye Jacko

40 Hari Di Tanah Suci

Friday, June 5, 2009


As my thinking before. I believe that Obama loves Muslim, even he is a Christian. I believe it because his late father is a Muslim. Morever he said in Egypt yesterday about 'Assalamu Alaikum' from his Moslem citizen and he told that he knows Islam cause he ever lived among Muslim. Including when he was living in Jakarta Indonesia.
I am very pleasure to hear that he likes if a doubt between Muslim and west will be end. No enemy anymore, no doubt anymore. And he is a guarantie of this peacefull. He is a smart leader. I admire him. But I like if he comes to my country Indonesia. I like if he looks his school long time a go, he looks his all of his friends in Menteng Jakarta any more. Maybe he will lover eastern than now. I did not say that he does not love eastern. He loves everything, he is a leader of the world. I just like if he looks again his last days in Indonesia. I believe that he feels long to come to Indonesia. Cause he ever studied in my country for years.
My writing is enought. I can not write more detail. I am sorry if many mistakes of tense in my page. I just write my opinion and feeling about Barack Obama, the leader of the world. Salam for Barrack Obama and Salam for Susilo Bambang Yudoyono as my president.
By writer of Hajji Book:
40 Hari Di Tanah Suci
Thank you

Monday, April 27, 2009


Bila ada pertanyaan:
Apa sebenarnya yang dikerjakan jemaah haji Indonesia di Arab Saudi?
Apa yang dikerjakan di Mekkah?
Apa yang dikerjakan di Madinah?
Apa kegiatan di Arafah?
Apa kegiatan di Muzdifah?
Apa kegiatan di Mina?
Semua ini telah terjawab dengan adanya buku yang beredar di Indonesia. Buku pengalaman haji berjudul: 40 HARI DI TANAH SUCI
Buku yang sengaja ditulis oleh seorang jemaah Indonesia, yang berguna sebagai tambahan pengalaman dan berguna sebagai buku panduan haji bagi yang ingin pergi melaksanakan haji ke Baitullah.
Bila ada pertanyaan:
Dimana saya bisa peroleh buku manasik haji?
Dimana ada buku haji?
Dimana ada cerita haji?
Bagaimana perjalanan haji?
Semua bisa kita peroleh jawabnya dengan membaca buku berjudul: 40 HARI DI TANAH SUCI, yang ditulis oleh seorang jemaah Indonesia.
Bila ada pertanyaan:
Apa yang dilakukan di saat haji?
Apa yang dilakukan di saat berumrah?
Bagimana ziarah ke makam rasul Muhammad?
Bagaimana cerita ziarah ke makam Baqi?
Bagaimana cerita jamaah di kota Madinah?
Anda sudah bisa dapatkan ceritanya dengan membaca buku berudul:
Bila anda yang ingin tahu tentang Haji,
Bila anda ingin tahu tentang Umrah,
Bila anda ingin tahu cerita haji secara lengkap,
Anda sudah bisa memperolehnya melalui buku berjudul:
Yang ditulis oleh Jamaah Haji Indonesia.
Info lengkap buku ini ada di:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Bila ada yang melihat website tentang iklan di WASPADA yang menerangkan bahwa telah terbit buku berjudul 40 HARI DI TANAH SUCI. Anda menemukan alamat website , sebenarnya itu salah ketik. Yang benar adalah . Klik disini untuk pembuktian . sekali lagi, jangan lupa, .

Terima kasih untuk kunjungannya.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Situ Gintung anjlok, siapa yang salah?
Rumah-rumah berhancuran. Korban bergelimpangan, harta benda lenyap seketika, sepertinya alam sedang marah karena kita tidak sedang terfokus memperhatikannya. Belasungkawa yang sedalam-dalamnya disampaikan penulis pada korban yang mendapat musibah. Semoga Tuhan memberi kelapangan pada korban seluruhnya, dan semoga pemerintahpun tak mendapat kesulitan dalam menangani masalah ini.
Semoga dari Tragedi Situ Gintung ini akan memberi pemikiran bagi daerah-daerah lain yang punya danau seperti Situ Gintung. Jangan kiranya ada lagi yang mendapat masalah memilukan yang seperti ini. Bila ada tanggul penahan air danau yang berfungsi seperti tempat wisata Situ Gintung ini, marilah kita cek secara seksama. Marilah kita periksa daya tahan tanggulnya. Jangan kiranya kita yang mempunyai harta seperti itu akan mengakibatkan kematian yang banyak seperti di Situ Gintung Tangerang Jawa Barat. Kita pasti bisa mengecek apakah tanggulnya masih memadai. Apakah pintu airnya yang pasti terbuat dari besi masih memungkinkan untuk bisa menahan desakan air yang tergenang. Semoga siapa saja yang punya tempat seperti ini akan semakin memikirkan keselamatan penduduk sekitarnya. Semoga hal ini akan membukakan hati orang-orang yang ditugaskan negara untuk lebih memperhatikan tanggul-tanggul yang sudah berusia lebih dari 15 tahun. Agar jangan lagi ada kiranya cerita menyedihkan seperti ini terjadi di bumi pertiwi kita. Semoga para korban bisa merasa tabah dengan ujian hidup ini. Juga penanggulangan korban bisa cepat teratasi. Semua bisa memberi santunan yang bisa membahagiakan mereka-mereka yang telah menjadi korban. Tak lupa kita do'akan kiranya para korban yang telah meninggal dunia, agar kiranya diterima Tuhan disisinya. Amin

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Difficult to find a Chinese Merchant is Panyabungan. Why?

Difficult to find a Chinese Merchant is Panyabungan. Why?
As my experience when I always went to many cities or towns around Indonesia. I always found many Chinese merchants in every town. They are always be a big merchant. It is difference with a genguine civilitation who always loss to compete in business with them. For a long time, I never know why was very difficult to find a Chinese merchant in Panyabungan. I never knew the answer of this question. But Many people tell me that long time ago there were many Chinese merchants in Panyabungan. There are many proofs about it. We can find many cemitaries of Chinese in this town. It is very easy to know which one is the civil bury, and which one is the Chinese bury. Chinese bury always be built very large and always built with permanent cement in my town. But the bury of genguine people always be built as a small bury, and usually find not permanent style.
As I know there are two places of Chinese cemitary in Panyabungan. Its are in Pagaran Sigatal, near Kota Siantar, and behind the exbuilding of Tapanuli Cinema, around Pasar Lama, Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal. It is the proof that many Chinese lived in this town long time ago.I write this story because many people don't know about it. When I write something like this, I can feel that I have shared my knowledge about Chinese case in this town. When I was talking about this story with my uncle Mr. Kamarudin, the pensiun of SDN 9 Panyabungan Jae. He told me about why does very difficult to find Chinese etnis in Panyabungan. He said the everything began in 1966. When President Soekarno announced the Perpu number 10. It is forbidden for Chinese to write the mark of his business place in Kanji or Chinese Capital, and forbidden for them to life in Kecamatan (district). In 1966, the area of Panyabungan was a district, not a Kabupaten or regent. So as the Perpu number 10 had made Chinese people was forbode to live in Panyabungan. Not only in Panyabungan, but in every district in Indonesia. But in the else town, no people felt object with apparance of Chinese in their town. When people felt okay in a district area with this situation,, many Chinese would live in that peacefully. When people felt object, the government would push them to leave the town. So in Panyabungan, many people didn't agree with appearance of Chinese merchant in this town. Many people felt object, that's why Chinese had to leave Panyabungan. Until now, it is very difficult to find Chinese here. I found two man, but they have Indonesian guingine wife. A man has Mandailing as his wife, and the other man has Batak from Porsea as his wife. That's why they still live in Panyabungan. That's why they still live in Panyabungan until now, because their wife are a genguine people or Pribumi people.
Mr. Kamarudin told me that there were many Chinese merchants in Panyabungan long time ago. Almost the shop around main street in Panyabungan, always belong to Chinese people. They had become a winner in every kind of business. Including garment, sugar, rubber, and many source from forest. Really it was very difficult for a Pribumi to compete with a Chinese merchant. Soekarno knew about it. President Sukarno it knew very much, that's why he made Perpu number 10, in 1966. When people agree with this Perpu and push the Government to make reality this term, Chinese had to leave the town. But many districts were not like in Panyabungan. But now, Panyabungan is not a district anymore, it has been a regent now. The Perpu has been not for Panyabungan anymore. But maybe because a Chinese is not usually live in Panyabungan, that's why nobody want to try to live and to begin here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

To Resfect an ability of someone (Indonesian)

Saya punya seorang paman bernama Makmur.Yang menurut saya sangat pintar, sangat bijak dan sangat super sekali. Tapi meski saya bilang super, saya melihat ada sedikit kekurangan dalam dirinya. Yang mana kekurangan yang sedikit itulah yang membuatnya menjadi sangat tidak beruntung di dalam kehidupannya, tapi tetap saya nilai bahwa ia lebih super dari yang lain. Memang semua orang punya kekurangan, tapi kekurangan yang saya lihat pada orang lain, termasuk diri saya sendiri, tidak membuat kita selalu tidak berhasil dalam hidup ini.
Semua rasa salut saya padanya, bermula ketika ia kembali ke kota saya. Dia datang tanpa anak, tanpa keluarga. Ia hanya datang ditemani barang-barangnya yang amat banyak. Sangat banyak sekali. Dia datang karena sudah tak suka hidup diperantauan lagi. Dia berniat kembali dan tak akan pergi lagi. Dia ingin ke kota saya, karena ia ingin dekat dengan keluarga kami, sebab ibu saya adalah saudara kandungnya.
Ketika pada suatu hari saya perhatikan semua barang-barangnya, saya benar-benar tertegun melihatnya. Rupanya dia telah mengolah kayu sedemikian rupa, sehingga kayu itu berbentuk perkakas untuk membuat sebuah mobil. Ada rodanya, ada kabinnya, ada stirnya, ada tempat duduknya dan semua yang diperlukan di dalam membangun satu unit mobil, kecuali mesinnya. Berarti bila peralatannya ini dilengkapi dengan mesin, maka peralatan ini sudah bisa berfungsi sebagai sebuah mobil yang terbuat dari kayu. Luar biasa karya paman saya ini. Bila saya pikir-pikir sepertinya ini sebuah pekerjaan yang sia-sia. Untuk apa membuat peralatan seperti itu? Apakah hanya akan menyita waktu dan buang-buang modal saja? Tapi bila saya kaitkan dia dengan orang -orang lain seperti di Luar Negeri, yang pernah membuat sebuah perahu besar hanya dengan mengumpulkan batang korek api, dan juga membuat sebuah patung salju yang cukup mewah di negeri Japan, dan banyak lagi karya seni yang sangat tinggi nilainya di berbagai penjuru dunia ini. Paman saya ini mungkin mirip dengan orang-orang itu, tapi paman saya tak sempat menyelesaikan mobil buatannya. Ia kembali ke kota saya sebab dia sudah merasa banyak kekurangan. Rupanya matanya sudah sedikit rabun, ia sudah mulai sakit-sakitan. Perantauan yang dijalaninya selama ini akan diakhirnya segera. Dia kembali hanya karena ingin dekat dengan saudaranya. Dia mungkin ragu bahwa tak lama lagi ia akan meninggalkan dunia ini.
Ketika pada suatu hari saya baca berbagai buku catatannya, rupanya dia punya banyak karya yang tak tersalurkan. Dia pernah merancang pentiasi bangunan. Saya melihat gambarnya di buku catatannya. Sangat indah dan cantik model-modelnya. Saya yakin banyak pemborong bangunan yang akan berminat dengan gaya seni paman saya ini. Bukan hanya itu yang saya temukan di dalam bukunya. Saya juga menemukan satu cara bagaimana caranya beternak belut sehingga mengahasilkan keuntungan yang berlipat ganda, juga cara bertani seperti menanam kacang tanah dengan hasil berlipat ganda. Luar biasa, tapi apakah ini bisa di buktikan? Lalu karena melihat banyak buku catatan ini, saya terus menemuianya karena penasaran. Kenapa ia tak pernah berhasil padahal ia punya daya seni dan pengetahuan yang amat tinggi. Lalu ketika saya sudah bersama dia, kucoba menanyakan satu persatu tentang apa yang saya temukan di dalam bukunya. Dia lalu mengakui semuanya. Dia mengatakan pada saya bahwa ilmu yang dimilikinya adalah ilmu pasti. Lalu saya berpikir sejenak. Saya ingin bila membuat satu perkongsian dengannya, saya sangat ingin untung yang banyak tapi mana yang harus saya pilih lebih dahulu. Lalu perlahan-lahan kucoba menggambarkan bahwa sayapun ingin membuat satu joint venture dengannya. Dia setuju sebab itulah yang ia cari selama ini. Perlahan-lahan sebelum ada mengeluarkan modal, sebelum semuanya mulai dilangkahkan, sayapun menanyakan semuanya satu persatu. Termasuk banyaknya modal yang akan dikeluarkan dan bagaimana tentang saran tempanya maupun peralatannya, begitu juga dengan bagi hasilnya. Tapi setelah semuanya dibicarakan, ternyata saya tidak beminat. Kenapa? Saya telah menemukan sesuatu di dalam diri paman saya. Sesuatu yang mungkin membuat ia tak disukai orang lain sebagai teman bisnis. Rupanya ia sangat bangga dengan ilmu yang dimilikinya, bahkan terlalu bangga. seperTinya dia menyangka bahwa modal yang akan saya keluarkan adalah sesuatu yang rendah nilainya, sepertinya rasa kemauan saya untuk joint dengannya adalah sesuatu yang rendah derajatnya dibandingkan dengan ilmunya. sebab ini saya menjadi masih harus berpikir panjang tentang perkongsian dengannya ini.
Saya memandanginya dengan penuh kasihan. Dia terlalu ego dengan kelebihannya. Dia terlalu berharap bahwa saya harus menganggapnya sebagai serang pahlawan. Tentu saya tidak akan mampu. Sayapun merasa seorang yang unggul karena saya punya modal. Jadi saya berharap mesti fifty-fifti. Jadi karena inilah saya mengurungkan niat untuk bersatu dalam masalah bisnis dengan paman saya. Jadi bagi pembaca yang mungkin punya keahlian yang sangat tinggi seperti paman saya ini, mesti berhati-hati agar jangan sampai si pemodal tidak ingin bersatu dengan anda. Memang kalau kita punya keahlian, itu sesuatu yang super, tapi bila seseorang juga punya keahlian untuk berdagang dalam memasarkan hasil karya kita, itu juga sesuatu yang mesti dihargai, begitu juga dengan siempunya modal yang bisa berguna sebagai penggerak di setiap langkah. Jadi bila ada yang besipat seperti paman saya ini, cobalah untuk merubahnya, jangan sampai seperti paman saya, usianya bertambah, tapi semua tetap jadi sebuah theory, hingga ia pulang dari perantauannya, tapi semua ilmunya masih tetap sebuah theory. Bahkan saya tidak menanyakan ilmunya lagi, sayapun takut kalau ilmunya sesuatu yang susah untuk diberikan olehnya Saya tidak ingin bersipat seperti itu. Saya ingin menjadi seorang pemberi. Seperti haknya tulisan ini, sanya ingin memberi pada orang lain sepanjang tak membahayakan pada saya, agar orang lain tahu, bila memang ia belum tahu. Saya bukan membenci paman saya. Saya selalu sayang padanya, tapi kalau untuk joint, saya benar-benar tidak bersedia, sebab ia saya nilai seorang yang ego. Jadi ini salah satu sipat yang mesti kita buang jauh-jauh. Kalau soal keahliannya, saya menilainya sangat luar biasa. Ia bisa melukis dengan cat basah, melukis dengan pena, mengarang sebuah buku dan banyak lagi. Sangat banyak. Tapi di antara keahliannya yang pernah ia tukarkan dengan uang hanya lukisanya tapi toh ia juga bukan seorang yang pandai memasarkan hasil karyanya. Dia hanya menjual dengan harga murah, tidak pernah dengan harga mahal karena dia memang tidak berbakat dalam hal memasarkan barang. Tapi dia tidak menyadari hal ini. Sepertinya tidak ada sifat bergabung dengannya, tidak ada sifat saling bahu-membahu. Jika seandainya ia pandai, alangkah cemerlangnya hidupnya. Tapi inilah yang tidak ia sadari. Sekarang masa mudaya telah berlalu, sekarang ia sudah sangat tua, dan sudah hampir tidak bisa mencari nafkah lagi. Kitalah sebagai pembaca yang bisa menikmati pengalamannya ini, semoga kita tidak akan seperti paman saya, Makmur. Semoga kita sukses selalu. Bila ingin baca Motivasi yang lain dari saya, klik di sini

Monday, January 12, 2009


Have you ever hear the story about Tuan Syeh Abdul Patah in Kota Siantar, Panyabungan, Madina, Indonesia? Here I will tell you about it.
Long time ago, there was a man who called Abdul Patah in Panyabungan town. At first time, he was only an usual religion teacher in my town. Every body only resfected him like the other teachers. But since there has been a magic story about him, every body surprised and called him Tuan syeh or a great teacher (Awlia). His story is like this.
When he was having hair cut around the mosque in Panyabungan, he said to someone who was cutting his hair to stop it. He had not been finished yet. His hair was not finish yet to cut. At the right side had been okay, and the left side was still being long. But when he said that someone ought to stop to cut his hair, he stood up. He only said, "Wait for a while. Mecca is being caught by fire. I want to go there".
Someone who was cutting his hair was very feel surprise. What happen with Mecca. Mecca is a very far country from Indonesia. Everybody who wanted to go there need 6 sixt month for go there and come back to Indonesia by a ship. He went away and run. He disappear and someone who just cut his hair took a sit to waiting for him.
In that day too, he came back and asked to someone to continue to cut his hair. In that time Abdul Fatah told him that he just came from Mecca. He helped the people in Mecca to stop the fire down. The worker continued his work without care to Abdul Patah's talking. Of course,because his talking was unlogically. His story was impossible to occur. No body would believe him, nobody trusted his story at that time. When Abdul Fatah finished to have hair cut, he went home. Many man had been know about his story. Many man had said that Abdul Fatah had become a crazy man. Before this story, so many man believed him because he was a religion teacher. But since that time, nobody believed him anymore. Even a people in Panyabungan had said that he was insane. A few month later, when a pilgrimage came from Mecca, one of pilgrimage bring some thing for him. ?A pilgrimage came to looked for him, When the man asked every body about the house of Abdul Fatah, every body asked about his plan to find Abdul Patah. The man said that he met with Abdul Fatah a few month ago in Mecca. Abdul Patah helped the people in Mecca to stop the burning fire. The pilgrimage looked that a knife falled down from his pocked. He show the knife falled down from Abdul Patah's pocket. That's why he came here to find for Abdul Patah, hoped to return the knife. Every body felt surpirise to hear it. Was it possible? As for we do not believe Abdul Patah, the man who was coming from Mecca had been bring the proof. If the people believed him, was is logically? But what thing is not impossimble for God. Every thing is easy for God to make? When the man had returned the knife to Abdul Patah, and many people show it. This story became a great one in Panyabungan at that time. It was happening when Holland still colonizing Indonesia. Before this happen, he was only an usual teacher, but when every body knows about his ability, everybody has been said that he is a Tuan Syeh or a great religion teacher until know. Now he has been dead, but many man knows about this story. He was be burried in Pagaran Sigatal, around Kota Siantar, Panyabungan. So many people visits his bury every year. He death before Indonesia proclaim the Independent day. Many man believe this story. If you know Abdul Haris Nasution, the Indonesian Hero in maintaining Pancasila in 1965. He also believed this story. He ever came here to visit Abdul Patah's bury. He came here because he had promised to come here. He told the people that he promised to his selves. As for his foot recover from shooting by gun in 31 October 1965, he would come to visit Abdul Patah's bury. So, when he felt good with his foot, he ought to visit it. Not only him. I find many people outside Panyabungan come to visit this bury. Sometimes the people come here because a promise (Nazar), some times because Abdul Patah was a great religion teacher long time ago. But the main, I find many visitor come to visit this bury. Nowadays there is a man who live in Pagaran Sigatal takes care about this cemetery. Many times he sweeps and clean this location. I don't know is he a worker or a grandson of Abdul Fatah. But he cares this bury so much. He made a fence for it. Built a roof, and cleans it until clear every times. Hope every visitor will feel satisfy to visit this bury. He does it because some times the visitor gives him some money. If a reader is a Muslim, I think it is not a faulth if you come here. If you come here, so you have visited someone be loved by Allah the creator the world and the else. God gave him an ability like that, could go to Mecca in a few time is a great ability. The ability like this called Kiramat in Islam. So many religion teachers in Panyabungan or in Mandaiing Natal who had a Kiramat like that. Such as Tuan from Muara Mais, and many Tuan syeh in Panyabungan. But now I find nothing anymore. But I doubt about someone. I believe he has an ability, but I don't know exactly. He lives in Dalan Lidang, Panyabungan. I doubt that he is very close to God. If you want to visit the burry of Tuan Syeh Abdul Patah, you may come to Panyabungan. Panyabungan is a capital of Mandailing Natal in North Sumatra. The burry is only about 4 Kms from the central of Panyabungan. Every visitor can go there by a mechine pedicab. We need money for machine pedicab around Rp 3.000, from central Panyabungan to Pagaran Sigatal. If you come here with many man, you may count the cost, you know about the currency of Rupiah with your money if you are in outside of Indonesia. Thank you very much for your visit on my page.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


When I studied Computer, I prefered to study Microsoft Excel. Maybe because my job is a businessman. I ever studied Microsoft Word, but I was not seriously to study it. I only heard and felt that it was necessary for me, because I was a businessman when I study in Computer Course. When I knew how to open Microsoft Word, I knew how to type in it, I thought that it was enough. But when I want to release my hobby to write a book in this year, I have to understand it the all. Because I have to arrange my book.
To solve every my problem in arranging my book, I have to contact my ex teacher Mr Muluk. He is the graduation of Padang Sidempuan Computindo Course. I called him by my mobile to solve my problem. At the first time, he was very scare to reply my calling, because in two years I never contact him. But he answered every my questions. Here I teach you some knowledge that I got from by calling him. Such as how to make the large of our page in Computer become as the large of the usually page in the book.
If your page is in potrait style and still use a usual format, here I tell you how to change it become as a large in usually book.
At the first time, please click File at the top and left of the screen of your computer. Choose page setup. Please choose again landscape. Make it become 2 per sheet. Make sure that you want to change the whole document. Click Margin, change the number of top, bottom, left, right side with number 2, and 0,5 cm for gutter. Klik ok below the whole text. Your page has been successful to change become the same type with the book's large.
When you want to make the tittle list like below:
No.. Title.......................................Page
1. Berbiqat di Hotel......................1
2. Berangkat ke Arafah...............3
To make your page become like above, here I tell you how to do it.
Please give the numbering for every title. Make sure that left tab has been in the good position. When you have give numbering at every title, please watch out the point of yours in your dekstop, look up the typing that you want to make like above. Please make them in point or become black color by clicking. Please click Format at the top of dekstop. click Tab, click the number 2...................
Make sure that you have border your typing at the right position, and click ok. Give a left tab in left position, and write the number of every page of title. It is the way to arrange the page such as the Indonesian text above.

Monday, January 5, 2009


The style of my family is not the same with many families in western country. Today is my wife's birthday for 34th. When I woke up this morning, my daughter told me that today is her mum's anniversary for 34th. I just said, "yeah...".
When my wife came to me, I said for her Happy Birthday, may you will get longer and more good life. I kissed her forehead tenderly. She just smiled to me. We don't make any party like Western people. We only know that it is her birthday. My son and my daughter combined their money to buy something for her. They could buy a gift for my wife. A blue cover head they gave for her anniversary. One more time I said for her, 'Happy birthday for her'.
Although I said that my family is not the same with western people, many families in my town celebrate the birthday here. So many times I get the invitation for it, but I never attend it, and I don't like to do the party like that. When it was my son's birthday, I just buy something for him. Same with my daughters and my sons.
We don't inform to everyone like my sisters, my brothers or even for everybody. We just say for someone in my house. Maybe it is not very modern, but I don't care about it. I choose that way because I prefer to do this way. I believe that to celebrate the birthday is not Islamic way. I prefer to choose everything in Islam because I am a Muslim.
Maybe if I buy gold for my wife, I kiss her, I embrace her in her birthday, it is more than every thing. I kiss her with love, I care her with my heart, I love her, It is everything for her.
Today is a nice day, a happy day. May tomorrow will be nicer than today. I will say to her so that she buy the gold for her neglect or ring ear or Bracelet. She may choose which one does she like as a gift in her birthday. May God bless everybody. Include my family, my relative and every readers of my page. Thank you very much for your visit to my page.


I believe that not all of the Bloggers can modify their Blog such as mine. You can look the picture above. It is the picture of the rice field around Mandailing Godang. It is Saba Balian near Saba Palas in Payabungan Julu, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The way to this place is go by William Iskander Street, and turn the right side or toward ABRI Street untill at least one mile from the Carrefour of ABRI street.
William Iskander street is the biggest street in Panyabungan. So it is very easy to find, whenever every body arrive to this town.
I type this page is for teaching who ever wants to know how to modify his Blog like my page. It is very easy to modify, but I know that many man can't change it because he never tries. Here I tell you how to modify it:
The first step is to open Google Account. Choose Blogger. If you have many Blogs, you will look all of you Blog in it. Please click Layout in your Blog. The page for editing our Blog will be appear. Now you can find a page for setting yours. On this page, you can choose 'edit the title'. You will look your Blog title, you can type your Blog Description in the empty box. For example on my page we can read the text: "Many man don't know Google Adsense..........".
The text above is a description.
For display your picture, you can add in the box of image. You may choose from Web or from your computer. Make sure the Placement. Choose 'Behind title' or 'Instead of title'. Please save. You have been success to put your picture on the top of your Blog like mine. So by this page, you will able to set all of your Blogs. You can put the Logo of Blogger by clicking the 'add Gadget', You can type information about your selve in the box of 'Edit About me', You can edit your title of every your article in your Blog by clicking 'Blog Arcive Edit' and many other offers to change here.
If you look the text 'Font and Colors'. In this setting, you can change the color of your Blog's Background, text colors, link colors, and many others. There are many choices of color in this page. You can choose those, you will really satisfy to modify your Blog by this setting.
I wrote this explanation because it was not easy for me to know it before. That's why I write all of my experience about Layout and about the picture on the top of my Blog. I am sorry if many of reader has known about this explanation. I am not a clever man, I just want to share my explanation, because I believe there will be many man stillneed

Saturday, January 3, 2009


You know how to use feedburner? What is feedburner? Here, I want to tell you how I use feedburner. One day before I use this one, I never know feedburner. I don't know what is this.
I found feedburner because I want to choose ads for feed in my Adsense Account. When I clicked Adsense Setup, there were choices come to me, and I chose ads for feed. The application asked me to add my feedburner. Because of this, I had to open new window, and I search feedburner.
When internet has searched it, I chose 'Feedburner, allow weblog'. I found there were an empty box for http address. I only tried. I typed one of my http: , I made a check list for the mini box of 'I am a podcaster!' and I clicked next.
In the next step, it asked me to choose RSS or Atom. I chose Atom.
Window says: Well come! Let us burn a feed for you. At the below, I found my title: Mr. Tanjung Panyabungan, and my Address is
The Address above is where people can find my new feed.
At the below, I typed my name as Ashartanjung, and I use my usually password in twice typing for reenter password. Than I typed my email address and clicked the Activate Feed box.
If the name is not available or the name is already exist, the feedburner will inform you. You should use the new user name. If it is available, it will be success. It is the way how to make feedburner.
In the home of feedburner, It will inform:
Hello, our name is Feedrburner. Put your content in front of more eyeballs. Publish + Advertise
When I have success to register in feedburner, I continue to complete my application of Ads for feed in mine. As my planning, I typed the address of my URL in the empty box of the page in Ads for feed. In a few moment, it told that I have been success.
I read the announcement that I should not be afraid if I look my getting profit only 0 Dollar. It is only few time or at least one week after now. The announcement of our profit will be display as a right number. But I didn't feel sad in that time even I found my profit was zero, because at that time I havn't been succes to copy my Adsense Code. But I looked something make me doubt. I didn't find Ads by Google on my page anymore. The information inform that my Gadget has already broken. I believe that it was only a few moment. Maybe also only at least one week. I wasn't scare because I believe that I didn't do wrong way in my choosing toward feedburner.


It is only my experience to choose ads fo feed. When I open my Google Account, I opened Adsense setup, I chose Adsense for feed. Sorry, if you don't understand about Adsense setup, or you never find the text of Adsense setup on your page, it is because you are not a publisher in Adsense. If you want to become a publisher in Adsense, please go to Google Adsense, and send an application. When you success in Google adsense, you will find Adsense setup in your account.
When I open my Adsense setup, I only found two of choice. They are Asense for feed and Adsense for referral. I found nothing Adsense for Content that makes me dizzy many times. Why? Because I never find Adsense for content on my Adsense setup. When I tried to choose Ads for feed, it ask me to write my channel. I wrote my name is Mr Tanjung panyabungan. When it ask me to type description, I type, "I know many people never know about Google Adsense, many people know and Google never received them to become a publisher and many people has been success in Google Adsense'.
At the second step to choose adsense for feed, it ask me to choose feedburner. What's feed burner? I try to opened it, and it ask me to type my http. The feedburner send me an email: "A message will be deliver to my email if the publisher has produced new content on that day. no new content, no email for you".
When I send an application to feedburner, I complete the text that it ask, they send me an email, "You recently request an email subscription to Adsense or feed. We can wait to send the updates you want via email, so they send me a link for update my burnerfeed. Really, it made me difficult to understand because I don't know much about burnerfeed.
So until now, I still don't understand about burnerfeed. What for is that, but I want to study about it. Maybe in this week I have to kow it more datail. Cause it is very important to understand if we are a publisher. If you are a new publisher, please study it if you want to make adsense for feed. Because without being success to choose Adsense for feed is only make us always get nothing in getting money. If reader is a new publisher, maybe my page is important fo him, but if you are a man who has success in Google Adsense, I need your help to teach me about feedburner. If you want to teach me, please type your opinion in comment place.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


If an Arabic come to my town in Ramadan month, maybe he will feels astonish to look many kind of date?fruit in my town. Many Muslim always break his fast in Maghrib with date. Many kind of date I find in my town. For a kind of date fruit we can buy with Rp 12.000 / kg, 20.000/ kg 25.000/ kg and many other price.
Date comes to my town Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal is from India, Iraqi, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and many others.
If you are a tourist from Arab or the else place such as from Europe or America, you can find date fruit in my town. But you have to know that no tree of date fruit here. Every merchant buys it from Medan and the merchant in Medan buys from Arabic area.
The food for break fast in Magrib call as 'Parbuko' in Panyabungan. The food for parbuko is not only date fruit here. There are many kind of foods for break fast here. They are: Es Doger (Doger ice), Onde-onde (food from powder of wheat), Toge (traditionil food from Mandailing), Mie rebus, (noodle), Sate (food from Padang, Indonesia), Sarabi (wheat and palm sugar), Kue Bongko (wheat and palm sugar too) and many kind foods.
Whoever comes to my town in Ramadan time, he will very surprise to look many foods in my area. The face of my town really change because of many sellers of food in my town. I remember to write it not in Ramadan time because I never write anything in Ramadan. Cause in Ramadan I always do fasting and have no any time to write anything.
There are many markets in my area. But the big market only in Pasar Lama and Pasar Baru. The space of these market about 2 Kms. Whenever you come here, you may try to buy many foods in my town. The price is not so expensive, cause Rupiah is not a high curency. To buy onde-onde, you only preserve money Rp: 1.000. To buy Toge you only preserve Rp: 2.000. Something the expensive one only to buy date friut, cause it come from far country like Arabic. As you know nowadays the price of Rupiah only about 11.000 for 1 USD. So everything is easy to buy with Dollar money. When you come to Indonesia, please visit North Sumatra. Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal is only about 500 Kms from the capital of North Sumatra, Medan. Everybody can stay here, because there many hotels here. You will find that people in Mandailing is very friendly. It is enough with my writing. When you want to know more about Panyabungan, please search Panyabungan in Google search. You will know more about it. Thank you


Since 1995, I never find Barigit in Mandailing Natal anymore. Before this year, many people in Mandailing used barigit as the place of water. Barigit made from Bamboo. People cut from bambo tree. People made at the bottom being close, it is for basis, and on the top will open. It will become a way to pour the water inside barigit.
In 1995 and before, we find many kind of bamboos in Mandailing. People chose the big one to make barigit. Usually as big as our thight. Or had 15 Cm diametre. The long of barigit around 1 metre. So it could keep much water. Maybe until 5 or 6 litre. It is one of the traditional tool in Mandailing. In one house usually has 4 or 5 barigits. Whenever a woman or a mother of the family goes to bathing place (Pancur Paridian), they would bring barigit as the place of water. Usually Mandailing people take a bath in river long time ago. Even in the village, the tradition to take a bath in river still do by many people until now. In barigit, every family keep water for inggredient, such us for drink, for washing face, washing hand and the other. But when the chinese seller has bring pail to Mandailing, people have been not use barigit anymore. People choose a pail as the place of water nowadays.
When I was a child, I still looked this tradition in many villages, but I don't find nowadays anymore. Mandailingnese has been very modern now. Maybe the same modern with else people in this world. It is one of story in Mandaling long time a go.