Saturday, July 17, 2010

What About The Qibla of Indonesian Muslim?

Overview of knowledge about the world:
Area of our earth: 509 450 000 km2
Land area: 149.557 million km2
Equatorial circumference is: 40 075 km
Meridian circumference: 40 007 km
Volume of earth: 1.08323 million x 106 km3
The mass of the earth are: 5976 x 1021 tons.
From the data above, what is the speed of rotation (rotation) of the earth. So it clearly:
The speed of rotation of the earth are:
Equatorial rotation velocity = circumference / 24 hours (1 day = 24 hours). Rotational speed = 1666 km / hr.
Imagine a large object with a size of more than 6 million tons of earth was shaken with a speed of nearly 1700 km per hour. That's what led to islands and continents shifted big impact join the rotation. This is what caused the shift of the Muslim Qibla direction.
Ka'ba or Saudi Arabia was more to the north of the Indonesian position. This means that Saudi Arabia was in the north of the equator, while Indonesia is right on the equator. Indonesia's position will be shifted to the west because the earth's rotation. While Saudi Arabia's position will shift to the west and north (northwest). Therefore Indonesia Qibla prayer population shifts to the northwest.
For those who have a shallow knowledge of science of the earth and space, would be very difficult to understand this without explained in detail. Maybe someone will say the Islamic religion has changed, a new prophet who play has influenced the direction of Qibla Islamic ummah. No. Islam does not change. Even the secrets of the universe is in the Islamic holy book the Qur'an. In the Qur'an there is explained about the earth's rotation. So if the velocity there, then there will be a shift. Islamic religion is very logical. So the problem is not uncommon for a shift in direction. But of course shift very slowly so as not to be felt. Islam has shown the world that the shifting plates of the earth is real. Without a shift in the direction of prayer, may shift the plate in the opinion teory western scientists are still living theory. Supreme Islamic holy God who has
prove his power over all mankind. And with this shift, the more it is clear that western geologists theory says that one day, the continent of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica and America will unite into a single continent.
For those who already understand, teach our friends, our parents that we should be lights for people who are not yet understood.
Prophet Muhammad said: noble human being, is a useful human for others.

For Muslims, this issue needs to be taken seriously. That problem has shifted toward a direction that so far 25 degress to the northwest. Once when pilgrims pray facing west, the direction is right to pray perpetrator's face towards the Qibla, or temple. But because the Earth's plates shift, Qibla direction after the year 2010 has been shifted to the northwest as far as 25 degrees. If a conducting worship or pray still confronts his face to the west (no convertible into northwest direction) means that he has been exposing his face to the regions of Kenya in Africa, or is no longer to the Ka'ba in Mecca. This issue has become a serious problem. Even the MUI had issued a fatwa that the Muslims of Indonesia should qibla recurve. This fatwa was issued in 2010 (Fatwa # 3). Earth's plates shift that resulted in a shift towards this direction has been studied astronomy experts. It was true. The shift has occurred because the Earth's plates. That's the way shifts are caused by Earth's plates. Even according to the scientist, formerly Asia, Indonesia and the United States are in the same continent. Then because of shifting plates of the earth, and of a separation. And someday, will get back together like old times. That's according to international scientists.
That was the shift that has occurred between the position of Indonesia and the position of the Ka'ba or the state of Saudi Arabia's position.
So the problem is already a shift Qibla MUI fatwa. No longer as a surprise and suspicion. But it is the result of an investigation of astronomy experts. Qibla direction changes are due to the shift caused a shift in the Earth's plates. Not the first change of direction as to the direction of the Ka'ba Mosque Aqso Rasululah era.
How to change it easy. Only transform the direction of prayer as far as 25 degrees to the northwest. If we are in the position of the old qibla direction, sliding a bit in our direction toward the right. For those who understand the size of the degree, may measure 25 degrees to the right or northwest direction with a bow. I hope you you understand and familiar with guidelines shift toward this direction.

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