Tuesday, December 23, 2008


To become a writer in my country maybe is something difficult, because nobody knows how is the procedure to publish. When I ask every body, really it is very difficult to find somebody who understand how to publish a book. At June 2008, I tried to write the story of my journey when I was doing pilgrimage in Mecca. I didn't know how to publish my book. I write and write until I finished it at September 2008.
Something that made me more anthusias to continue my book is because I met someone who has a friend as a writer in my town.
His friend has writen many books in my country. The title of his books are:
-Al Qurro' Wal Huffazh Mesjid Raya Madina
-Menelusuri Jejak Syeh Abdul Qodir al Mandily
-Dari Kampus Hingga ke Hutan
-Ibadah Lewat Batu, and
-Toge Sufi Madina.
When my friend told me who is that writer, suddenly, I met him in a cafe. In fact he is my friend's brother when I was studying in (SMAN 1) SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal. I talked with him about one hour. I tried to get the information how to publish my book. Fortunately, he was very kind. He thought me the all. He said that I have to report my book to Badan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Jakarta Pusat. We have to get the ISBN (Index Standar Buku Nasional). The more kindness of him, he agrees to faxmile my document to Jakarta Pusat with his self. Maybe because he is my friend's brother, or because we are living in the same town, or because he wants to get reward from God. Everything that I need to publish my book, he agrees to rent me. Such us his CV. So I don't know how to give him thank. May he will more success in his business.
For a long time, my job is only a businessman. I don't know why since I have been know Google, I know Internet, I like to write day by day. Even in this year, I try to write a book, and everything has been finish. I just want to go to Medan to print my book. I have gotten the license from Jakarta Pusat. It is the reason why I become a writer. To be a writer, I have been like since I was in education, but when the publisher asked me money to print, I didn't want to continue my planning anymore. Because when I was a student, I had no money, and I believed that my parent wouldn't able to help me about it. So I believe now, that I am a writer because Google and because the writer from my Madina Area. Whoever want to publish the book, maybe you have known the way by this Blog.

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